Gmail Alias Address

You may be tired of reading about Google Earth, Gmail, Google Calendar, Gmail Call and all other “G” related apps from me.  However, when they offer something unique, useful or just plain fun, I feel like I owe it to you to let you know about them. This week I stumbled on one I had…


Do you have a million important bookmarks in your favorite browser? How about a hundred or more you have collected over the past few months/years that you “need” to read when you get the time? If you are like me you do and you never have found that extra hour to read them. Those vital…

Gmail Call

If you are a Gmail user you will have noticed something new in the last couple of weeks. If you did not notice it you must have popup ads blocked on your browser. Google was pretty persistent in letting you know about it. I am not sure of the exact name of the feature since…